To understand the role of skin lightening creams in treating dark circles under the eyes, one has to first figure out how the circles form. In the case of fatigue, a stressed body produces cortisol in order to combat the stress. One of the effects of high cortisol include an increase in blood volume which makes blood vessels engorge. The skin around the eyes is very thin, and enlargement of the blood vessel networks within them can manifest as dark circles. Usually, getting enough rest, exercise and proper sleeping habits will help in getting rid of such dark circles. However, there are some that are much more difficult to get rid of. These could be genetic, where the skin around the eyes produces more melanin than usual. This results in darkening around the eyes which does not resolve even if one is not fatigued. For such dark circles, the use of lightening creams makes a lot of sense, since they reduce the amount of melanin in the skin and thus help get rid of the dark circles.