Eyelid margin hygiene supports the healing process and is an indispensable activity which you should carry out on a daily basis. There are three steps involved in eyelid margin hygiene: Warm-wet compresses: For this, use a clean cloth or a clean face cloth with water which is as warm as you can stand. Place the compresses on the eyes for five to ten minutes. That way viscous secretion, which is blocking the glands, becomes liquefied. Important: put the used cloth or face cloth in the washing basket immediately after treatment. The compress should on no account be used twice. Eyelid margin massage: the eyelid margin should be massaged after the compress in order to remove the liquefied sebum from the glands. Use your freshly-washed finger or a cotton bud to do so, always wiping in the direction of the eyelashes. For the upper lid, this means from top to bottom towards the lash line and for the lower lid, from bottom to top in the direction of the lashes. Cleaning eyelid margins: the final step in eyelid margin hygiene is eyelid margin cleaning. For this, you need a special cleaning solution from the pharmacist as well as cotton buds or cotton pads. Make sure that the cotton is as lint-free as possible. Never use the implements twice and do not use the same implements for both eyes. That way, you will avoid spreading the bacteria. Dip the cotton in the solution and free your outer eye from incrustations and excess grease.