Knee Bracing is helpful during arthritis pain

Forums Rheumatology Knee Bracing is helpful during arthritis pain

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    Doctatoc Advisor
    Knee bracing is most effective in relieving the discomfort of arthritis when the inside compartment of the knee is the area affected. Bracing in people who have knee arthritis can allow a ligament heal, relieve kneecap pain, or boost confidence. Bracing may help some more than others, the relief can be temporary, and the method doesn’t slow the progression of arthritis. There are four types of knee braces: Functional – Give support to knees that have already been injured; Prophylactic – Designed to protect knees from injuries during contact sports like football; Rehabilitative – Limit harmful knee movement while a knee is healing after an injury or surgery; Unloader/offloader – Designed to provide relief to people who have arthritis in their knees.
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