Options for Reconstructive Burn Treatment- Cosmetic surgery

Forums Plastic Surgery – Reconstructive And Cosmetic Options for Reconstructive Burn Treatment- Cosmetic surgery

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    Doctatoc Advisor
    Non-operative therapies might involve scar massage, application of pressure garments, or other topical therapies. Surgical options consist mainly of scar release procedures. The tight scar tissue is released and the open area closed by a plastic surgeon. There are a variety of ways to close these wounds depending on a patient’s needs. Skin grafts, skin rearrangement (sometimes called Z-plasty), and more complex skin donor flaps could be used, depending on the location of the scar and a patient’s personal goals. Most minor procedures are performed as outpatient surgery, but the larger grafts and flaps would likely require an inpatient stay. Tissue expansion can also be used as an alternative to skin grafting.
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