Precautions taken by health care officials against Nipah Virus

Forums Nipah Virus Precautions taken by health care officials against Nipah Virus

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    Doctatoc Advisor
    It is extremely essential to educate all personnel involved in investigation process. In order to reduce the risk of animal-to-human transmission, gloves and other protective clothing should be worn while handling sick animals or their tissues, and during slaughtering and culling procedures. As much as possible, people should avoid being in contact with infected pigs. It is vital to reduce the risk of bat-to-human transmission. Efforts to prevent transmission should first focus on decreasing bat access to date palm sap and to other fresh food products. Keeping bats away from sap collection sites with protective coverings (e.g., bamboo sap skirts) may be helpful. Freshly collected date palm juice should be boiled and fruits should be thoroughly washed and peeled before consumption. Also, in order to reduce the risk of human-to-human transmission, close unprotected physical contact with Nipah virus-infected people should be avoided. Regular hand washing should be carried out after caring for or visiting sick people
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