Treatment of Dysmotility- when muscles of the digestive system do not work due to infection in intestine

Forums Gastroenterology Treatment of Dysmotility- when muscles of the digestive system do not work due to infection in intestine

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    Doctatoc Adviser
    Mechanical obstruction (i.e. blockage) must be excluded before a patient is diagnosed as having pseudo-obstruction or intestinal dysmotility as a cause of their symptoms. Specific treatments are available for some causes of dysmotility, including abnormalities in salt balance and endocrine problems such as thyroid disease. Unfortunately, many causes of dysmotility cannot be cured, and symptomatic treatment is offered. Medicines can stimulate intestinal motility and help with propulsion of intestinal contents. Dietary modifications are advised. It is important that adequate calories are taken, usually in the form of meal supplements. Patients should avoid gas forming foods, carbonated beverages, and foods that are difficult to digest. Patients may need to be admitted to hospital for intravenous fluids, and decompression of the intestine with a tube placed in the stomach. Occasionally, nutrition will have to be supplied through a vein. When only a short segment of the small intestine is involved, surgical resection may be appropriate. However, patients must be carefully selected as surgery can lead to scarring (adhesions) within the abdominal cavity, with further disturbance of intestinal motility.
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