Reasons for Snoring in Sleep Apnea

Forums Neurology Reasons for Snoring in Sleep Apnea

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    Sleep apnea is when partly or fully blocked airways cause you to stop breathing for a few seconds to a few minutes during sleep, which include snoring or choking or gasping for breath during sleep. Snoring is the noise that’s made when air causes the soft tissues in your neck to vibrate. Anything that narrows your breathing passages can cause snoring. Large tonsils or a deviated septum can cause it. So can nasal congestion, being overweight or drinking alcohol. The answer to snoring depends on the cause: If you’re congested, try nasal strips to help keep your nose open; If you’re overweight, losing weight may help; Avoid alcohol because it can relax or close your throat muscles and Sleep on your side to help keep your tongue from relaxing into your airway.
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