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Anemia – Causes & Symptoms

Anemia – Causes & Symptoms

Anemia is one of the common diagnosis which is missed. Almost 75%  of the Indians suffer from Anemia, who are the at prone population , they are the infants, growing children’s or adolescence and women. it is a Silent killer in this populations and why do we have anemia . the commonest cause in India…

Pediatric Cancer – Causes & Symptoms

Pediatric Cancer – Causes & Symptoms

Dr. Purvi Kadakia Kutty – Pediatric Hematologist & Oncologist specialized in Blood Cancer in pediatric age group. The First Talk will be on Awareness about pediatric cancers , which is very rare disorder. Pediatric cancers are the leading causes of deaths in children and in India we see around 20 to 40 thousand cases annually…

Effects of Lack of Quality Sleep

Effects of Lack of Quality Sleep

Dr. Girish Nair, the lead Consultant Neurologist at Apollo Hospital – Navi Mumbai with a Practice in Vashi & Kharghar . Today he talks to you about something which is considered very boring and mundane may be sleep. Most of us think of Sleep as something which is passive which happens on its own when…

Spondylosis and its Preventive Measures

Spondylosis and its Preventive Measures

Spondylosis – A topic which we all talk about with something in term which is there in during common talks, even we are sitting with friends there is a discussion which comes about Spondylosis, now it is bothering you. So many a times patients who comes to me with Spondylosis comes with their diagnosis, Instead…

Prolapsed intervertebral disc or disc collapse

Prolapsed intervertebral disc or disc collapse

Today i am here to discuss about Prolapsed Intervertebral disc or disc collapse in simple words . disc collapse is something which many people encounter through life and its something which causes radiating pain in the leg accompanied by back pain. so the aim of this is to answer one very specific question which would…

World Stroke Day – 29th October

World Stroke Day – 29th October

This is October 2019 and we are in Stroke month, 29th of October is World Stroke day. why do we have a day in a year dedicated to spreading awareness about this diseases because the stroke is the third most common cause of mortality and the most common cause for acquired neurological disability amongst adults…