Monsoon has arrived, so has Malaria. . .
Monsoon, the most loved weather is a time when everything around looks bright, clean and green. Colourful umbrellas and raincoats are brought out and the aroma of piping hot chai and pakoras tempts to gorge on. Of course, the showers have brought a lot of relief from the scorching sun. But it is not the…

Monsoon illness – Jaundice – seeing yellow, not green
Kids love rains as it involves getting wet in the rains, jumping puddles and sailing paper boats. Rainy season, in addition to bringing smiles for kids, also brings in a host of their health and safety concerns. However, with a few simple measures, it is possible to ensure that your child not only enjoys monsoon…

Monsoons bring rain and cholera . . .
With the onset of monsoon, there are various diseases that come along and prove to be a health menace. The outbreak of water-borne diseases such as cholera, typhoid is common during this season affecting the areas with poor sanitation and lack of sewage system. The number of cholera cases increases with ongoing rainy season due to…

Monsoon malady – Common cold
After a long stretch of simmering heat of the summer, Ramesh and his friends found relief in the fresh and cool breath of air ushered by the monsoons. He was playing all day in the climate marked by a drizzle and cold air. On returning home, he fell ill due to cold and fever. The…

Monsoon has arrived, so has Malaria. . .
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